Monthly Online classes are back!
Join Melissa on Sundays once a month for Dance, Finger Cymbals (Sagat), or both!
Dance classes happen on Sundays from12pm to 2pm Eastern time
January 26, February 23, March 23, April 20
Sagat/Cymbal classes happen Sundays from 1pm to 2:30pm Estern time
February 2, March 2, April 6
Full package for Dance or Sagat:
SALE: $220 +tax until December 20th
Regular price: $250 +tax until Jan 26
Individual Sunday class: $70 +tax
*Canadian dollars
Looking for pre-recorded classes and specialty topics?
Visit my Teachable website to browse through the pre-recorded courses available for purchase. Once registered, you'll get 3 months access to the course content. Check out the course offerings and register here:
Need help?
Not sure which class is right for you? Contact me and we'll figure it out together!